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"Nothing but a curse.."

Can move objects/molecules with her mind's power. 
Abilities Learned:

Can keep objects in one spot. OOC Perms for player characters. Works in a 50 foot diameter.
Can levitate (Lift) objects no more than 1,500 pounds. Can lift up to 20 feet in the air. Uses her Vectors to achieve. Works in a 50 foot diameter.

-Telekinetic Choking:

Yeah....think Darth Vader. Without the dramatic hand out and squeeze thing. Takes up to a minute to complete cut off the airway. Uses Vectors to achieve.

-Telekinetic Grip:

Holding onto objects so they do not fair too far. With strength, this can obviously be broken. Uses Vectors to achieve.

-Telekinetic Pull-Push:
Self explanatory. Objects up to 1,500 pounds. Uses Vectors to achieve.
-Telekinetic Strength:
Using her mind, she can pool the power into her extremities to increase her strength. Usually appears more like an adrenaline rush, and lasts even less time.

-Psionic Healing:
Though she was born into a race of people who were kinetic healers, Lyanna has only shown one single moment of being able to heal. (Was able to set a bone and fuse it enough for the person to walk.) Should she learn, would have the capability to heal nearly any wounds with a single thought. Cannot cure death. CAN separate blood from dirt and replace inside of the body before healing the wound.

EDIT: Has shown healing in the form of lessening massive face scarring.

-Telekinetic Combat:
Has been known to pool energy into her fist in order to strike with the strength of a charging bull. (Bitch has a mean right hook)

-Telekinetic Compression:
Able to squeeze or compress an object into oblivion. The larger the object, the more time it takes. Can work on objects up to 1500 pounds. OOC Perms for Player Character death

-Telekinetic Constructs:
Comes in the form of vectors attached to her body in some manner. Said vectors can shift into many of things. Swords, blades, shields, hammers, battering rams, catapults. Vectors can be unseen should they not be moving, however, once moving, anything coming into contact with them can reveal them. There is also a very light shimmer should one be paying very close attention. Vectors have the durability of a muscular human arm. Can be broken and cut, giving the painful sensation to Lyanna.

-Telekinetic Destruction:
Can make objects explode internally. Usually used in fits of rage. Example: Fuck those trees. Works in a 60 foot diameter. OOC Perms for Player Character Death.

-Unarmed Weapon Wielding:
The ability to use weapons without physical contact. Usually the use of her vectors. Items up to 1500 pounds.

-Psionic Explosion:
A rarely used ability due to the fact that it could kill her, and instantly puts her out of a fight. Pooling the energy into her middle, she expels every kinetic ounce of every she has in every direction. Explosion usually levels a 3 mile radius, leaving a crater teen feet deep at the center, depending on whether or not her boots are on the ground. The closer you are, the more damage taken.
(Used for Staff approved events)

-Kinetic Barriers:
Can construct barriers of pure kinetic energy. From small shields to barriers large enough to dome an entire city. The larger the barrier, the more energy exuded and the thinner and less durable they are. These can be broken given enough strength or repeated striking. Hitting the barrier does cause some brain pain. When shattered can also cause a bit of a distraction. 
Molecular Manipulation:
Can manipulate matter at a molecular level. Elemental manipulation. Pure energy manipulation (Telekinesis as a whole). Organic matter. List following explains the abilities she can use with this:

-Mild Fire Manipulation: If there is natural fire near, can manipulate no more than a handful to create a fireball. Can throw the fire ball upward of 40 feet from her person. Can also make said fireball explode dealing blunt force in an area of 3 feet around the explosion.

-Water Manipulation: Can manipulate water molecules of not more than three gallons at a time. Can create spheres and high powered streams to deal blunt force damage. The streams can reach upwards of 20 feet in front of her before losing force. Can create intricate models using water, only for show.

-Air Manipulation: Can condense air molecules in an area of 5 feet in radius around her person. Uses this to create thin blades. Cannot throw these blades, and cannot create blades large enough to deal lethal damage, but can use them to leave paper cuts upon someone too close to her. An annoyance as best. Unless the opponent wants to just stay in the rain of blades and be cut to death...which would take a LONG ASS time. Can also use this to force herself to breathe should she be knocked in the chest. Can not use on other characters.

-Earth/Plant Manipulation: Can summon walls of earth (10 feet in length, 10 feet in height, no more than a half foot thick). Walls will immediate falter should she use a different ability and return to where they were pulled. Will also return should they be destroyed.

Motor Skill Manipulation:
Can manipulate others into doing things. Speech. Movement. Activation of powers. Works in a 50 foot diameter. OOC Perms for Played Characters.

Self Manipulative Puppetry:
Can make her body move or react even if paralyzed or severely injured. This is usually done with her vectors. Should the need arise, can use the energy around her to move her body from getting up off of the ground to individual movements of digits. 

Object Manipulation:
Can work objects normally meant to move but do not any longer. For example: Opening a lock or making a clock tick. Cannot manipulate Played Character's objects unless given OOC Perms or the item has been dropped. Items a total weight of up to 1500 lbs.

Giving motionless objects movement. Example: Making a doll dance across a table. Only objects up to 1500 pounds.

Transfer of Energy:
Can, by touch of skin to skin, transfer her own life energy into another being. This can be used to accelerate natural healing, give others stamina, or increase their strength by three fold. This happens as quickly as she touches and only lasts for a max of an hour. The healing factor will provide healing for up to two large stab wounds, which take about a day to seal. Smaller wounds such as scratches can heal within a matter of minutes. This does not provide any healing beyond what the person who is being revitalized can do. Only their natural healing is increased. Will drain her dependent on how much she gives. (Will be stated in each post. Can give up to 75% of however much energy she has left.)

Not used often and mostly concealed behind massive black wing tattoos that cover most of her back. These wings have a span of 18 feet.

Uncontrollable rage. Lyanna will sink back into her body 
and the Amentia will act in her place. Most of the time, not to her own will. Infected upon her by Timothy Slade.- Info to come

Uses her dark magic to degrade inorganic/organic material into dust. Works on the atomic level. Takes time to fully envelope an object. Spreads like a disease. Has an immunity to such magic as well. Example of power: Should she touch someone's shirt, the disease will spread to the skin within thirty seconds. From there, if the infected portion is not removed, has the potential to eat away a two foot area of flesh, three inches deep. The longer the touch is held, the more damage will be done and the farther the disease will spread. Ways to combat this 'disease' include potions, magic healing, holy healing, and cutting off the affected area before it spreads too far. If a character is immune to dark (not shadow or black) magic, or has the ability to absorb dark magic, this will have no affect on them.

Energy Detection:
Lyanna can sense auras and energies.

Aura Applications include:
-Emotions (OOC Perms for anything other than base emotions)
-Health Status
-Mild Power Levels (Can sense when someone is powerful, but nothing more)

Gift of the Wealthy:
No matter the clothing items she wears, Lyanna was bestowed the gift to be able to reach into her pocket and pull out handfuls of gold coins. Should she place them back, the pockets will flesh out as if nothing are inside of them. This is endless and only works if she reaches into her own pocket of a clothing item she wears.


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