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“Mother...? Father?”
The girl's voice rang out into the darkness. She couldn’t see the hand in front of her face, let alone anything else. Her heart thudded against her chest, her hands began to shake. What was this feeling? “Where am I?” She spoke aloud to herself. Only the silence answered.
She rose to a stand, a light in the distance her only hope. With her hands outstretched in front of her, she made her way forward. This was... a bad dream. One with a monster that would eventually catch you in the dark and make you disappear. It was all a dream... right?
As she drew closer to the light, she could make out shapes of all sizes littering the floor. She was in a room...but there were no windows, no doors. Just the monster in the shadows.
“Mother!” She cried out only to be greeted with more silence . Eventually, she began to run, but, when she reached her was gone.

“My Lyanna. My beautiful little Lyanna. Wake up.”
“No, my dear. You can call me Daddy.”
With raised hands, she attempted to rub the blur away. It was all a dream. No. No, she wasn’t home.
His face loomed overhead.
“Lyanna, sit up and come to me.”
He disappeared out of her line of sight and she did as she was told. Her frail frame sat upright and she turned her whole body to see. This room had a door. This room had windows. Yet... this was not home.
“Lyanna, come to Daddy.”
“Coming Daddy.” The voice she heard was not her own. It was deep. It was dark. It felt so...inhumanly natural.
She wandered over to the man, his face something of a mess in her vision, and sat down on the lap he had patted. He pushed the hair out of the way of her ear and leaned down to it to whisper something.
That was the last time she saw Daddy ever again.
She would call to him out from the dark, but Daddy never came. Never the less, every time the door groaned open, her child like wonder would force her to hope. Every time, she would be disappointed...and it hurt.
"I'm sorry! I won't do it again!"
"It is too late my dear. You will learn one day..."
Daddy's voice rang in her ears. He was not in the room. Only the men he had sent in his stead would keep her company then.
The cage was cold that night.
No more smiles meant no more cage. Simple.
No more smiles.
No more cage.
Daddy let her outside today. It was a beautiful day. The sun burned her though and then men had to take her back home.
Lyanna had a friend. Not just any friend, a human friend! A human friend that didn't question things. She was so happy.

“Nera! I missed you!”
The red haired lady craned her neck to see her friend, a wide grin taking over her face.
Just don't think about it. Let it be done.
She had to listen to Daddy.
The man in chains begged. It only made her want his blood more. With a swift motion of her hand, his throat opened for her.
“Oh Boone, I... love you too.”
No matter her feelings, he would become nothing but a memory.
“Kill them all.”
She obeyed.
The village never stood a chance.
“Kill them all baby. Kill.”
“Yes Daddy.”
Lyanna was gone. Only the thing was left.
The ground was hard and her lungs burned. She sat up to find herself surrounded by charred ground and dead bodies reaching for the sky.
“Good job baby. Come home”
No....That wasn't home and she would never return.
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